Church Planting
As a church one of the greatest things we can do is help other churches get started. Maybe it is helping them canvas the area to let people know of the new church, or providing special offering and equipment as they get started. If you would like to get involved in this special ministry, let us know at the next service.
The Church Planting Ministry at the First Baptist Church of Kingstowne has planted two area churches and is looking forward to planting a church in Baltimore, MD in September of 2022.

Pastor Pedro & Trina
Baltimore Baptist Church launching in September 2022.
Pastor Pedro Morales has submitted to the leading of God to plant a church in the Highlandtown-Canton area of southeast Baltimore. The goal of the church will be to glorify God, teach and preach the Bible, love the community, and make an eternal impact in every life touched by this ministry. We hope to be a place of spiritual refuge and recharge. Our Facebook page will detail our beginnings and growth.
Baltimore Baptist Church launching in September 2022.

Pastor Alan & Julie
Benchmark Baptist Fellowship
FBC of Kingstowne established Benchmark Baptist Fellowship in 1993 when several of our members relocated to Fredericksburg and needed a church to call home. We remain BBF's sponsoring church to this day. In October 2016, Alan Schoeff took over as missionary pastor, leading BBF to serve and minister in their Fredericksburg community.

Pastor Youngbae &
Jungmi Kim
FBCK Korean Ministries
Recognizing the growing multicultural nature of the Washington, DC, metropolitan area, in 2004 FBCK Kingstowne established Kingstowne Korean Baptist Church as a ministry to the local Korean community. Youngbae Kim has served as missionary-pastor since the mission's start. KKBC holds Korean-language services on Sundays and during the week in FBC Kingstowne's facilities.